Wednesday, 24 July 2013

Stop the Votes

I have had an epiphany.  As a nation we have a real problem.  We are being over run, and we need to do something about it.  There are people who want control of this country and if they have it, they will impact our way of life.  If we let them, they will undermine the supposed Aussie values of a fair go and supporting the underdog.  They speak words that spread fear and even hatred.  Worse still they want us to support them with our tax dollars while they do this.  It will cost us a fortune to get rid of them, but sometimes the price is worth paying.  I will admit that technically the way they get to where they are is in fact legal, but I'm sure we can ignore that.

Of course some will point out that in their own country they are often abused and ridiculed.  Recent reports indicate that one prominent person in this group has had a missile launched at them on two separate occasions, just because of who they were.  Worse still it is children who have perpetrated this violence.  This person, having survived these attacks, was later forcibly removed from their job by the government.  However, I must point out that the bad behaviour of their fellow citizens is no excuse for us to let them ruin our country.

Others may point out that we need to remember that these people are human beings just like you and me.  However, this does not help us get rid of this menace.  We need to depersonalise them, even dehumanise them.  Perhaps we can call them by their method for getting where they are: Vote-people.  They will do anything for your vote.  On recent evidence it seems that they will trample on the poor and marginalised if it has a chance of getting them more votes.   They will exercise their power on the powerless, and protect the rich (or at least the middle class, who, on the world stage, are the rich).  They create fear where there is no need for fear, and then use it to manipulate us.

Do not let the Vote-people destroy our country: We need to stop the votes. The only reason Vote-people can put in place inhumane policies is that they believe it will help them get elected.  We need to stop the votes going towards parties and candidates that support unjust policies.  We need to stop the votes going towards people who spread fear and myths about asylum seekers.

Don't let Vote-people make Australia a country without compassion: join with me and let's try to stop the votes.   

If you want to stop the votes, here a a few suggestions:
1. Refuse to vote for a party that supports the unjust asylum seeker policies of the ALP and the Coalition.  Find a party that has humane asylum seeker policies (e.g. The Greens, and vote for them.  At very least you will be denying the major parties the money they would get from your primary vote.
2. Let your local member and/or the local Labor/Liberal/National candidate know why you are voting the way you are.  While you are at it, let Tony Abbot (@TonyAbbotMHR) and Kevin Rudd (@KRuddMP) know as well.  The more voters that tell them that their policies are unacceptable the more chance they will listen.
3. Support organisations like the Asylum Seeker Resource Centre (@ASRC1; or Welcome to Australia (@welcome2aussie; or others who take up the battle, provide information and help asylum seekers.
4. Arm yourself with information from the ASRC etc, and talk about it with friends, colleagues, and anyone who will listen.  Correct the lies and misconceptions that have been put out into the public domain during this debate.
5. Share web pages, blog posts etc. which provide facts, ideas, and resources for supporting the asylum seekers.
6. Write your own, and share it.
7. Sign this petition against the current policy, and share it in social media, via email etc.
8. Share this blogpost on twitter, Facebook, and other social media and encourage others to stop the votes.

Written and authorised by Recess75 for no organisation in particular, Melbourne.*

*The above line needs to be read at 3x the speed you read the rest of the post

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